Finally landing a job that makes you happy to go to work is an outstanding feeling. Whether you were previously unemployed or just perpetually unhappy at your previous job, it’s always a relief to find your place — now you need to retain it. The first few weeks and months on the job are essentially… Read more »
The Watercooler is PrideStaff’s blog covering trends and tips for successfully managing issues in the workplace, such as: retention, employee engagement, and interviewing.
Recent Articles
PrideStaff, a national staffing organization, is pleased to announce that their Northern Kentucky office was recently recognized as one of the region’s fastest-growing businesses by the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. To qualify for this recognition, companies must have achieved at least $250,000 in revenue, been in business for four years, and had an average… Read more »
There’s no better time for a fresh start than a brand new year. It’s already November, so that means it’s time to start preparing for 2017. The year ahead can be the busiest, most profitable 12-month period your warehouse has even experienced, if you create a strong game plan and push your team to success…. Read more »
Do you know someone who dreads heading into work each and every day? We can help you, help them. And you’ll get rewarded too! If you know someone currently looking for employment, or someone that might benefit from a change in scenery, let us know. Simply complete this short Refer a Friend form and we’ll get to… Read more »
As a warehouse leader, you’re always searching for ways to boost productivity, but achieving this feat is no easy task. Many different factors weigh into the success of your warehouse, making it difficult to know which ones to focus on. Adjusting certain elements could make a hugely positive difference or result in little-to-no change. When… Read more »
Working in manufacturing requires a sharp technical skillset, but that’s not all it takes to succeed in the field. In addition to having the ability to physically do your job, you must also possess the soft skills needed to thrive in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment. You can have the sharpest skills on the warehouse floor,… Read more »
Working as a forklift operator is a great way to earn a solid living. Whether you’re just getting started in the field or searching for a new beginning, you need a perfectly polished resume to catch the attention of potential employers. Kentucky has the highest concentration of industrial truck and tractor operators — including forklift… Read more »
As a job seeker, you probably have your sights set on a permanent gig, but don’t underestimate the value of a temporary opportunity. Sometimes overlooked, temp work can be the best thing that ever happened to your career. An increasing number of people are starting to realize this, as the number of temp jobs reached… Read more »
Onboarding is essential at every organization as a way to help new hires get acclimated to the job and feel like part of the team. Companies that don’t have a comprehensive program in place often experience high levels of turnover for new employees — but you already know that. Your warehouse has an onboarding program… Read more »
Your warehouse has a huge amount of inventory moving in and out at all times — and you’re responsible for keeping track of every single piece. Of course, achieving this is much easier said than done, but with proper planning, you can make it happen. Keeping track of employees, people on the floor, and re-organizing… Read more »