
You’re an ambitious person who understands the importance of networking. Therefore, you’ve been a bit stumped about how to handle this during the COVID-19 crisis.

In-person networking events are not safe right now, so professionals have been forced to get creative. Here are a few tips to help you safely schmooze during this global health emergency.

3 Ways to Network Virtually During the Pandemic

Attend Online Networking Events

Networking is a huge part of the working world, so it hasn’t just been forgotten during the pandemic. Companies, professional organizations, and other groups have gotten creative with events, finding ways to host them virtually. From Zoom happy hours and panel discussions to online chats, there are plenty of ways to make new contacts without leaving your home.

Search online to find opportunities to connect with your peers and keep your industry knowledge sharp. Virtual formats might take some getting used to at first, but you won’t regret finding new ways to put yourself out there.

Follow Up With New Connections

It’s always exciting to meet your peers at networking events, but it’s important to stay in touch. Traditionally, you might get someone’s business card at an event and ask them to meet for coffee or lunch, but that doesn’t work right now.

Instead, reiterate your interest by sending a follow-up email after the event. You might also want to send a request to connect on LinkedIn, as this will make it easy to stay in touch.

Reach Out to Existing Contacts

Don’t forget about the people already in your network. You never know who might need your assistance or know about a job you might be interested in, so take the time to reconnect with your contacts.

Let them know if you’re seeking new opportunities, and also make it clear you’re here to help them in any way you can. Your network is always an important asset, but in difficult times, who you know can prove invaluable.

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